Monday, February 23, 2009

The older they are, the better they get.....

Umm, ripped jeans I mean. I just love my old jeans and the more in tatters they get, well the more I luv them!

There's one Levi's that I'll only wear at home, privacy that is. I luv that one so much, I'll never throw it away! Actually, so does he. LOL. It's so "bad" & it's ripped at certain sections, you know where. Well, I think you know where. There's lotsa such pics out there on the net. You go search them yourself. I'm not one to flaunt .

I was complaining bout him picking up the old stuff I threw away in my last post but the ripped jeans are about the only thing I'll not complain if he picks them up!

cya :)

ps: Ooops! I forgot to say, I really luv having you around the home now!! I can't say that enough, I luv you hun!! I NEVER want you to go anywhere else without me ( work far away in some strange land I mean) ....AGAIN. I can't bear missing you. IMy heart beats like it should when you're near me and I always feel alive!!! luv you!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Nothing much to post. Much contented lately :-D Kinda busy with our home, adding, subtracting stuff. I mean me, of coz. He's getting the solar paneling done. It looks pretty impressive I must say. Awesome, the size of those panels. I hope it'll help us lots with lower electricity bills!! Well, except during the colder months that is.

I need to throw a lot of stuff but somehow when I throw them out, I find it right back the next day! Hmm, he has a habit of picking up the stuff again. Says never know when we'll need them. I just am speechless at some of his habits I guess but what the heck, he's home now.

Gotta go :)

Before I go, hey listen to this vid from the tube. It's kool!