This is a post meant for my special friends, the sisters of the coven called Gahenna Mukveh. The word is Gahenna and not Gehenna. These are two different things totally. I have disabled the comment on this post as requested by them. What I just wish to say is that these are very special women indeed. I wish you knew them like I do but that is not my call. They decide who their friends are.
Ne hrev tu sar nos du ard staht cy nhein mahre. Te vhydd helain cil gaensai. Sa vhydd te ard kia rhek sar aimsi tu iydd te alea mie hal iawynn cy hudr wevr. Tu avek hvreah kia sar jukh dih. Seyhr tu ate cy rheyn ard kia uhd deyn. Ehr nein nos te gik sak . Nehr ank ghrnan ukvh deyn na rha hein cy heyr harg'n gik ane han nos mie keaiydd nos sifvg. Ulea ard tul eta avek hvren cy kreah mie la tu ard zin nos flahvrahn. Na rha hein deyr, cy hvreah ard ane kia fvrie. Uvrhan te ane ydd dargh. Kia ank nate wydd oku ard iyll uvek kia. Heyr cy bhien gimch ank vhydd diema nos mie versi jukh. Nhrav heyr tu hvreah cy sar mie ard ehne kia avek hun, nos khrangl iawynn jun cy nea mahre.
So, Kayla, Shayna, Caitlynn, Cee, Nadine, Eryn, Misha and Kimberly** too, on this 5th anniversary, I just wish to say, Thank you mahre and to Alisha, Welcome ;) I have learned so much from all of you that I now can see things from a very much different perspective.
Bless you ghurls
**Added : Tamara, Dee, Alisha & Ella :-)
Ghaven mi mahre
Ne hrev tu sar nos du ard staht cy nhein mahre. Te vhydd helain cil gaensai. Sa vhydd te ard kia rhek sar aimsi tu iydd te alea mie hal iawynn cy hudr wevr. Tu avek hvreah kia sar jukh dih. Seyhr tu ate cy rheyn ard kia uhd deyn. Ehr nein nos te gik sak . Nehr ank ghrnan ukvh deyn na rha hein cy heyr harg'n gik ane han nos mie keaiydd nos sifvg. Ulea ard tul eta avek hvren cy kreah mie la tu ard zin nos flahvrahn. Na rha hein deyr, cy hvreah ard ane kia fvrie. Uvrhan te ane ydd dargh. Kia ank nate wydd oku ard iyll uvek kia. Heyr cy bhien gimch ank vhydd diema nos mie versi jukh. Nhrav heyr tu hvreah cy sar mie ard ehne kia avek hun, nos khrangl iawynn jun cy nea mahre.
So, Kayla, Shayna, Caitlynn, Cee, Nadine, Eryn, Misha and Kimberly** too, on this 5th anniversary, I just wish to say, Thank you mahre and to Alisha, Welcome ;) I have learned so much from all of you that I now can see things from a very much different perspective.
Bless you ghurls
**Added : Tamara, Dee, Alisha & Ella :-)
Ghaven mi mahre