Thursday, March 27, 2008

Missing You

Most couples, now and then would surely have some form of squabble over errm, in-laws(?). It's like an unwritten rule in marriages where this disagreement over them would rear it's ugly face. It must surface, sooner or later in most if not all marriages. Of course while some can blow out of silly proportions, with others it might just be an average & below major grievances. Just something that irritates may be, who knows?

I don't really know if both of us would call not having this form of squabble as good fortune. I don't think we would. In our case, we'd kind of welcome it actually. Strange?

Both my parents passed on a couple of years ago. His mom passed on when he was a child & dad when he was in mid teens. When we got married, that was the thing we missed most, the presence of our parents both. A joy in getting married but at the same time, a feeling of tremendous lost in not seeing our parents at our sides.

Anyway, we were cuddling up in front of the TV one boring evening. I dinna know what sparked this off and I just said something like "I miss you both" referring to my late parents of course. He heard me mumbling and asked what I said. Before I can say anything, I went teary eyed. Well, in between sobs I explained what I had said.

I guess in all the time I've known him, 7-8 years or so, I've never seen him teary eyed, angry yes or disappointed yes but teary eyed? I don't think so. So as he hugged me tighter, I noticed his eyes were misty too. That made me sorta put my own emotions on hold. I put my fingers on both his eyes and tried to pull away the tears, like as if drying them. Why? I found myself asking him.

Later, much later when we talked he told me that at times lately, he's been thinking a lot of his late parents. Me too!! I told him. He just does not know why, me either. I'm not gonna go further into our conversation. I dun wanna bore you but it's odd it seems. Sometimes when two people have known each other intimately for many years, thought frequencies do get crossed! Have you ever come across that?

I think..

I think..

May be it's time we have kids??


Anonymous said...

I love how you ended that :D

Won't know till you have them would you? Won't hurt trying ;)

Unknown said...

hehehe, dangg!! I sure did not expect the conclusion that way. LOL, you're cute grrl.

Anonymous said...

so, when will lil jen or sha be comming? :D

gr8 2 c u blogging again sis.


Anonymous said...

umm, I dunno bout this one. I mean I love kids but I think I'll have kids when I'm 30 at least.

Anonymous said...

"A three-year-old child is a being who gets almost as much fun out of a fifty-six dollar set of swings as it does out of finding a small green worm -bill vaughn"

They are such joys. It adds and complete our lifes. I've always held that view ardently. Bless you :)

Anonymous said...




Words of

Nike..."Just Do It" :-D

Anonymous said...

Yes, juz do it N don't stop @ two ;)

Hope all's cool with you Jen. Peace out.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I dunno bout the others but I can't find the "link" to the baby conclusion----------somehow :/

Anonymous said...

wot's new with you kai? You're always slow :-D haha, naah j/k :P

Jen, why wait?? ;)

Erma xo)

Anonymous said...

hey, that's ME. Emm ok Jen. I forgot my blogger password :(

Anonymous said...

hmm, lemme see...cuddling in front of tv, felt sad, then partner felt sad too, memories come flooding in, then babies come into picture. Uhh, I'm kinda like Kai there. I lost it somewhere too :/

However, don't let us stop you in carrying out mother nature's ...uhh natural call :-D

peace out guys! ;)

Anonymous said...

Tell you what. Stop wondering & reminiscing and go have two (or more). They're very therapeutic from what I hear



JenMarie said...

hey guys! :)
Eryn - Yeah, me momma's instincts werkin full speed too I guess ;)
Sash - moi? :P
Yana - thanks, umm we'll see ;)
Nadine - We all have our preferances ehh gal? duncha take too long I guess.

tisha - Thanks for dropping by. I can't agree more!

JenMarie said...

Dee - :P Nike dun know anything bout babies :P

caitlynn - thanks sista, all's well too :)

Tangy - Ask her to tell you :P

Emm - you're always forgetting!! hehee :P

tarshina - I won't ;)

Raven - indeed they are! they sure are :)

Peace out :)

Anonymous said...

Then he or she will look as lovely as you or as hunky as him ;)

Unknown said...

Life's not complete without them, me thinks Jen.

Unknown said...

I like the way you were very Sherlock Holmse like in arriving at your conclusion :D

(no offence)