Sunday, May 31, 2009

Rude & Arrogant

Umm, kinda sheepish about my last post but well, all's KEWL [-: (see the tee?) I won't delete that entry though.

Anyhow, let's skip and move on to this video below. It's of a Malaysian cop on duty, "bullying" a single female driver. When I was studying in Singapore years ago, I used to tag my friends when they drive up to Kuala Lumpur or just Johore Baharu for the weekend. I'm reminded of an incident when I was with my mate. He was booked for speeding at 145km/hr. Highway speed limit was something like 100 or 120km/hr if I am not mistaken (can't remember). When the cop stopped him, after taking down his particulars he asked my mate, "Sir, would you like to settle this summons here or back at the office?" or words close to that effect. To which my mate then asked, what the difference would be? He said "it's cheaper" to pay the summons there and then. By that, he understood what the dumb cop was implying of coz.

Pity really, for all the beauty Malaysia has, it's government officers (like that silly cop) is what is tarnishing her own image. Plus, sales service people in Malaysia isn't that friendly either. But that's for another topic on another day.